Ticket Entry

Register by entering and submitting your ticket information on this form.


Travel Agent Information
* Travel Agent First Name

* Travel Agent Last Name

* Travel Agency Name

* Travel Agency Street Address

* Travel Agency City

* Travel Agency State/Province

* Travel Agency Country

* Travel Agency Zip/Postal Code
* Travel Agency Area Code + Phone Number

* Travel Agency Email Address

* Travel Agency IATA or TIDS#

Booking Information
* Malaysia Airlines Flight number
* Date Booked (mm/dd/yy)
* Departure Date (mm/dd/yy)
* Ticket Number -
(3 digit carrier code and 10 digit ticket#)
Note: Elegible ticket must include a valid international segment on Malaysia Airlines.

* Origination City Code
* Destination City Code
* Class of Service
Business Class

Economy Class

* Fare
(Base fare without taxes and fees)
* Fare Basis Code

* By registering you agree that your personal information can be used to provide offers, promotions and services offered by Malaysia Airlines. Registered agents must have a valid email address and phone number.
Fields marked by an asterisk * are required.